Hey there everyone!! How are you?? So Sorry I am getting this to you late!!! You know me though, I am the perfectionist!!! If it's not right??? Do it, do it, do it again!!! Until it is!!! Haha!! So here we are....another Tuesday, already!!! Thanks for stopping back and joining me for Madelynn's Twinkling Tuesday!! This week is another exciting TEMPORARY TWINKIE!! YAY!! It's our Rebecca's very own.....Jameson!!! This week's challenge is an inspirational one!! Great job Rebecca and Jameson!!! I LOVE this!!! You all will too!! Here is a pic for you and a cute story to go with it!!! I hope you played along and if you didn't??? Make sure you do!!! Okay??
Mickey is a Park Ranger working in the national forest. One day on his patrols, he hears a cry for help. He sees a beautiful girl mouse with tears on her face because she has fallen while hiking and broken her leg. The gallant Mickey comes to the rescue of the lovely Minnie, administers first aid, drives her to the hospital, waits for her to be treated and drives her home. They fall in love and the rest is history. However, a few months later, when Mickey goes to pick up his tuxedo on the morning of their wedding day, they have accidentally rented out all of the mouse-sized tuxes! So Mickey shows up anyway in his Ranger uniform. Minnie starts up the aisle and is surprised to see Mickey wearing his uniform but she doesn’t care because that is how he looked when she fell in love with him!
Mickey is a Park Ranger working in the national forest. One day on his patrols, he hears a cry for help. He sees a beautiful girl mouse with tears on her face because she has fallen while hiking and broken her leg. The gallant Mickey comes to the rescue of the lovely Minnie, administers first aid, drives her to the hospital, waits for her to be treated and drives her home. They fall in love and the rest is history. However, a few months later, when Mickey goes to pick up his tuxedo on the morning of their wedding day, they have accidentally rented out all of the mouse-sized tuxes! So Mickey shows up anyway in his Ranger uniform. Minnie starts up the aisle and is surprised to see Mickey wearing his uniform but she doesn’t care because that is how he looked when she fell in love with him!
Rebecca and Jameson, 8 y.o. in grade two (we don’t say second grade here in Canada!)
Cute, huh?? Now.......are you all sitting down?? I can't believe I haven't shared this with you yet!! Guess who got an email from COPIC?? Go ahead.......GUESS!!! No....c'mon!! Guess guys!! Ok......I'll tell you!! It was ME!! I am SO doing the happy dance!!!! I can't believe it!!! I am GOING to the Copic certification class, in Maryland!!!! It is THIS Sunday!!! Can I get a BIG WOOHOO!!!!???? I know, I know....not TOO exciting for all of you!! Sorry!!! I just had to share with you!!
Cute, huh?? Now.......are you all sitting down?? I can't believe I haven't shared this with you yet!! Guess who got an email from COPIC?? Go ahead.......GUESS!!! No....c'mon!! Guess guys!! Ok......I'll tell you!! It was ME!! I am SO doing the happy dance!!!! I can't believe it!!! I am GOING to the Copic certification class, in Maryland!!!! It is THIS Sunday!!! Can I get a BIG WOOHOO!!!!???? I know, I know....not TOO exciting for all of you!! Sorry!!! I just had to share with you!!
Well.....it is a BIT late and my hubby is actually home tonight!! So.....I SHOULD spend some time with him!! Thank you ALL for visiting with me tonight. I hope you enjoyed my version of the MTTSC. Make sure to label ANY uploads, you have to share with us, with MTTSC16. We would LOVE to see your creations!!! Speaking of creations??? Go anf visit my fellow TWINKLETTES and check out their talent!!! You can find their links on my sidebar!! Have an AWESOME night and I will see you tomorrow!! Tomorrow is the BIG day!!! A NEW Anya and Ian Digi release!!! They are graduating!!! REMEMBER.......ENJOY LIFE!!!! 

Hey Jacwuie your take on the challenge actually turned out really cute!!! So glad you get an evening to spend with Hubby!!! I hope you had a great time!!
I love the Anya and Ian you choose and I really love the coloring and that paper!!!
Great Job Jacquie!!! Enjoyed your sweet comments on my blog and yes I loved that you sany Happy Birthday to me!!! I totally got it and had a big smile on my face while I sang your comment to myself in my head!!!!
Thank You!!!
Jacquie your CA card was awesome this morning!! I love that DP paper, and you used it sooo well. Congrats on the Copic call!! WOOHOO! You'll be up the road from me (sort of) - can't wait to hear all about it!
Congratulations on your Copic Cert. Welcome to MD and if you get a chance spend some extra time and go to the Cherry Blossom Festival in DC this weekend. It's gorgeous! Have fun.
Cute story. You going to love Mariann and your copic class. You will learn a ton. Have a great time.
Jacquie this is just adorable! I love the idea of opposites atracting and the fabulous way you colored in Anya and Ian! Adorable!!! Great layout and coloring!! Of course you know how much I love your papers!!! Too yummy!
Congratulations!!!! I am so, so excited for you!!! and of course I am jealous! Wish I could come too!!!
Another unlikely couple. ROmantic vs rocker dude, how cute! neat shape for your card too.
I like your card because the couple is differnt but they still can have love!
oh what a fun card!! great choice on the anya and ian for this one!! hope your evening was wonderful with the hubby!
"they can still have love"??!??!??! OMWOW! is that the cutest thing or WHAT???? Seriously! And from an 8 year old boy? Made my heart melt!!!
And oh so wise - we can get over anything - when we just remember the love! great message - blessedme!!
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